New Places for New People

PULSE – The Missional Heart Beat of the South West Peninsula Methodist District.
Whatever our age, whatever our context – Mission is our focus, our reason for being. The people of God, called Methodist, are, at their very heart, a missional people. We invite you to come and be energised, and engaged in igniting that missional heart!
We invite people from our Circuits and Churches to come as a group to reflect, explore and develop missional thinking, while taking a broader look at what is happening elsewhere – celebrating and inspiring one another to share the love of God, in Jesus, with our communities.
Keep reading below for more information.
District Resources
District Information
Lay Employment Support
Online Church Services
Contact Us
t: 07942 141014
District Office Address:
18 Vewell Road
Exeter, Devon
District Resources
Lay Employment Support
Online Church Services
Contact Us
t: 07942 141014
District Office Address:
18 Vewell Road
Exeter, Devon