Lets End Poverty

Lets End Poverty

 The human cost of neglecting policies which address rising poverty is too big and too damaging to ignore.  Cornwall is known for its compassionate ethos, demonstrated through its  Cornish communities, charities and churches, supplying food parcels, providing warm welcome spaces and other help such as debt advice,  We need our political leaders to match this compassion with action to tackle poverty and everything that locks people in it.

 With a General Election on the horizon, we want to see our political leaders step up, take responsibility for rising poverty in our Cornish communities and take action to address it. They should be using the tools at their disposal, like the Autumn statement, to take a stand and demonstrate more ambition to help our Cornish communities thrive.  Follow the link on the Let’s End Poverty Website which enables you to put your views across to those in power.  Have your say, speak out justice, for those who struggle to make their voice heard.


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