District Safeguarding Group

Standards and Criteria


Standard 1 : The DSG understands the context of the district and monitors the Safeguarding issues with which the Methodist Church is involved within the District


  • The DSG is aware of the demographic and organisational profile of the District and has information on
    • Number of churches, by circuit across the District
    • Number of Church Members and Circuit Meeting members, by circuit.
  • The DSG receives periodic Safeguarding data from the DSO on:
    • The number of current Safeguarding contracts and a summary of the types of concern that resulted in the Safeguarding contracts.
    • The number of contracts that have not been reviewed within the last 12 months.
    • The number of referrals made to statutory agencies and the number of referrals received from statutory agencies.
    • Number of risk assessments undertaken by the DSO.
    • Number of Connexional risk assessments undertaken within the District.
  • The DSG is advised of concerns arising from the data about the failure to implement Safeguarding policy within the District.




Standard 2: The quality of Safeguarding practice across the District is consistent with both Connexional Safeguarding Policy and Practice and relevant government guidance and legislation.



  • The DSG is briefed about legislative changes and new guidance.
  • The Safeguarding data is reviewed by the DSG at each meeting.
  • The DSO advises the DSG of any issues with regard to the implementation of policy or procedures.
  • The DSG agrees and subsequently reviews any action that needs to be taken to ensure appropriate Safeguarding actions are understood and in place.
  • A quality review of a sample of cases involving the DSO is undertaken on an annual basis.
  • The DSG has a scrutiny function and a strategic plan for the development of practice in line with these Standards and Criteria.




Standard 3: Support is provided to all Circuits in implementing District and Connexional Safeguarding policies and procedures;



  • Advice and support is available to Circuits and churches through the DSO.
  • The role and availability of the DSO in providing advice and support is understood.
  • Arrangements are in place for regular discussions between the DSO and Circuit Safeguarding Officers.
  • The DSG is advised of issues arising from discussions with Circuit Safeguarding Officers.



Standard 4: The DSG through the District Chair requires churches to consider the needs of, and their response to, survivors.



  • There is a prompt and respectful response to all concerns about abuse.
  • Opportunities are taken to help churches to understand the experiences of survivors and consider how they are made welcome and supported.
  • People are equipped to support survivors.
  • People providing support to survivors are in turn supported and consideration is given to the appropriate level of supervision for them.
  • The development of survivors support groups is promoted.
  • Links are developed with other organisations providing support in this area of work.



Standard 5: Good practice in the Safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults across the District is consistently promoted. All necessary information is disseminated at a local level to support this work.



  • All individuals, whether paid staff or volunteers with roles that bring them into contact with children or vulnerable adults have received Safeguarding training at foundation or advanced levels, appropriate to their role in compliance with Methodist Policy
  • Church Council members and Circuit Meeting members who are not mandated to receive training are encouraged to attend training for the Foundation Module of Creating Safe Space. Numbers of those who have attended appropriate training are collated
  • Safeguarding contact information is on display in each church premises and on church and Circuit websites.
  • A programme of audits or other means of assessment is instituted to establish compliance, good practice and issues that require attention.
  • Examples of good safeguarding practice are identified and shared across the district
  • Any new or ongoing multi-denominational collaborative Safeguarding practices within District are identified and these developments are shared.
  • A dip sample of a year’s DBS checks is undertaken to confirm timeliness and follow up on application process.

Standard 6: The DSG, through the work of the DSO ensures that safeguarding contracts are in place for those in the church community who could pose a risk of harm to others or who have caused harm in either church or other settings.



  • The DSO takes the lead in establishment, management and oversight of safeguarding contracts
  • There is effective and appropriate communication between the DSO and churches where safeguarding contracts are in place.
  • Monitoring and Support groups understand their role, have received training and on-going support in this task.
  • Safeguarding Contracts are reviewed annually as a minimum and amended as necessary.
  • Risk assessments are undertaken where safeguarding contracts as per policy, are no longer required.


Standard 7: Changes to Safeguarding policies, practices and guidance are disseminated at all levels across the District



  • Processes are in place to ensure that changes in Safeguarding policy, practice and guidance are notified to:
    • Superintendent Ministers
    • Presbyters and Deacons
    • Circuit Safeguarding Officers
    • Church Safeguarding Officers
    • Circuit Meetings
    • Church Councils
    • Trainers delivering training of both Foundation and Advanced Modules
  • Changes are posted on the District website.



Standard 8: The District Safeguarding Group is satisfied that safer recruitment procedures are being  followed throughout  the District.



  • Periodic discussions take place with Superintendents and Circuit Safeguarding Officers on the use of safer recruitment procedures and the implementation of these procedures in recruitment to both employed and volunteer roles.
  • Safer recruitment procedures are referenced in foundation and advanced module training.
  • Safer recruitment procedures are adhered to for all roles.




Standard 9: The DSG promotes programmes of awareness and good practice are initiated and delivered.



  • Periodic events focussing on good practice are organised that are open to Church Safeguarding Officers, Circuit Safeguarding Officers, Presbyters, Deacons and others with a commitment or interest in Safeguarding.
  • Foundation and Advanced Module training takes account of new developments and re-affirms good practice.



Standard 10: Safeguarding training is promoted and provided in the District in accordance with statutory and Connexional requirements, working together with the regional Learning Network



  • The District has a plan to deliver Advanced Module training in a way that matches the training needs with the resources available.
  • The delivery of the plan is monitored and the DSG is advised of necessary adjustments. The number of Advanced module training event provided each year is reported on.
  • Each Circuit has a plan for the provision of training for the Foundation Module, and information is provided on the number requiring training and the number of Foundation module events held each year.
  • Circuit Safeguarding Officers provide periodic reports on the progress of Foundation Module training.
  • All those who deliver Safeguarding training are properly equipped for the task.
  • The quality of Safeguarding training is audited.



Standard 11: The DSG promotes partnership work with other relevant groups (e.g. Connexional, regional and ecumenical partners and professional agencies) on Safeguarding issues:



  • Opportunities to develop projects in conjunction with other groups, agencies and Districts on key issues, are actively sought.
  • The DSO is involved in ecumenical Safeguarding discussions with other denominations.
  • Links are maintained with Safeguarding Children’s Partnerships and Safeguarding Adults Boards
  • The DSO maintains good links with key professionals in statutory agencies.



Standard 12: the expertise of the Group is maintained through both its membership and the delivery of a programme of training and development



  • The membership of the DSG is periodically reviewed and steps are taken to recruit members with relevant professional expertise in Safeguarding.
  • A development programme for the DSG is in place, delivered and reviewed.




Standard 13: The DSG through the District Chair ensures that the DSO is supported and equipped for the role



  • There is a comprehensive induction programme for new appointments to the role.
  • Professional supervision is provided for the DSO at a frequency that matches the needs.
  • New DSO’s receive induction and the necessary resources to enable them to undertake their role. This includes office equipment and an organisational email address
  • The DSO is supported in the role through casework supervision and effective line management
  • The DSO has opportunities for professional development.

District Team


District Newsletter

District Noticeboard

District Calendar

District Committees


New Places for New People

Transforming Conversation

Eco District


District Resources

Social Justice

District Funding & Grants

Lay Employment Support

The Learning Network

Online Church Services

District Maps

Contact Us

e: admin@swpmethodist.org.uk

t: 07942 141014

District Office Address:

18 Vewell Road


Exeter, Devon

District Committees 


New Places for New People

Transforming Conversation

Eco District


Social Justice

District Funding & Grants

Lay Employment Support

The Learning Network

Online Church Services

District Maps

Contact Us

e: admin@swpmethodist.org.uk

t: 07942 141014

District Office Address:

18 Vewell Road


Exeter, Devon